Friday 13 September 2013

A Busy, Fun Week

This has been a good second week of school. I signed up for a blogging event where I have to visit about 50 other blogs and about 50 bloggers visit me. Wow! I've been busy visiting, commenting, learning and having fun. If you check out my post "School and Grace" you'll see that I've been getting a lot of comments.
I was finally able to sign up as a doTERRA associate and my introductory package came today. Along with some start-up info I ordered two bottles of lemon, two of TerraShield (an insect repellant) and Deep Blue (for rubbing into sore muscles). I am excited to have these. I know that there are dozens of ways for using the lemon so I'm going to be doing a lot of experimenting in the next several weeks.
I also had another fun package in the mail. In August I signed up for a giveaway on Facebook with "foodforthewarrior". Surprisingly and happily I won. Part of the giveaway was her cookbook - Food for the Warrior: Mission to Cook Healthy. I've had fun looking at it and I'm looking forward to trying some of the great whole food recipes.
I'm trying to do one or two things every week that I've pinned on Pinterest. I mean, why pin things but never use them? So today we made "Nut Butter Sourdough Cookies".  Next time we'll double the batch. I had sourdough starter because one of my goals this year is to make good sourdough bread. I'm not there yet, but I keep trying. This was a fun and easy way to use some starter.
I also accomplished a craft project. I made a valance for my kitchen window and covered the chair I use in the kitchen for sitting at my computer. I should have taken a before picture of the chair. I'm sure you all know what a ripped up vinyl seat looks like though. It's been ripped for months now so I was glad to get that covered.
I've been using my mai tei wrap more and more. Today I used it in the morning while the baby was sleepy but I couldn't take the time to rock him because I had to get some bread going for lunch. He was totally content on my back while I was kneading the dough. He didn't go to sleep then, but as soon as I took him down he nursed and drifted off - so sweet. I never tire of having my babies fall asleep in my arms.
I'm also gathering ideas for things I can make/do that will keep my toddler busy during school with minimal attention from me. I'll let you know how those go. Right now he's really into Mega Bloks. The only problem is when he gets frustrated when pieces don't go together the way he likes.
Anyway, that's my week. I'd love to hear any suggestions you might have more my toddler. He's really not one to play with toys. Legos and Mega Bloks have been the first toys that he has consistently played with day after day. How was your week?

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